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Does Sher Vancouver provide tax-deductible receipts?​Sher Vancouver is a registered charity. We issue a tax-deductible receipts instantly for donations via Canada Helps or via cheque or email transfer via Sher Vancouver.
Is Sher Vancouver a registered charity?Yes, ​Sher Vancouver is a registered charity with the Canada Revenue Agency. ​Charitable Registration Number: 708924097 RR 0001.
Can I receive a tax-deductible receipt as a sponsor?We can issue you an official receipt for sponsorship of some of our activities. You may be able to deduct this sponsorship as a marketing and advertising expense. Please check with your accountant. Checkout our sponsorship opportunities here.
Can I become a monthly donor?Yes, of course. We'd love to have you as a monthly donor, thank you! When you make your donation, under 'amount' switch the selection from 'donate now' to 'donate monthly' to become a monthly donor.
Do you have an endowment fund?We have established an endowment with the SurreyCares Foundation for our core and critical programs and services. You can give today to the endowment fund to support vulnerable and marginalized segment of the population: ​ Leave legacy gifts through your will or estate Designate Sher Vancouver as a beneficiary with your life insurance Donate stocks, mutual funds, real estate, and other investments
Are there other ways to donate?We have interac and cheque options available. By Interac: Please send an interac email transfer to This email is set to auto-deposit. By Cheque: Please email Secretary-Treasurer Alex Sangha at for details.
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